Your target audience is on social media, are you?

Whats the first goal of any business? The first goal of any business is let people know you exist. The fastest way to spread the word is via social media. Your competition and customers are on social media, you can’t afford not to be.

Here are some social media statics for 2017


  • 22% of the world’s total population uses Facebook
  • Facebook continues to be the most widely used social media platform, with 79% of American internet users
  • Based on total population, (not just internet users) 68% of U.S. adults are on Facebook
  • 76% of Facebook users visited the site daily during 2016, with over 1.6 billion daily visitors, compared to 70% of daily usage in 2015


  • 88% of businesses with more than 100 employees use twitter for marketing purposes
  • 42% of Twitter users use the site daily
  • 74% of Twitter users follow small businesses to get product updates


  • 87% of pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest
  • 93% of pinners have used Pinterest to plan a future purchase
  • Pinterest is five times better at driving in-store sales than any other social platform
  • 83% of pinners would rather follow a brand than a celebrity


  • YouTube overall, and even YouTube on mobile alone, reaches more 18-34 and 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the U.S.
  • More than half of all YouTube views are on mobile devices
  • On average, 1 billion hours of video is watched per day
  • On average, a typical YouTube session is 40 minutes
  • There are an estimated 400 hours of new videos uploaded to YouTube every minute


  • 51% of Instagram users access the platform daily, and 35% say they look at the platform several times per day
  • 32% of teenagers consider Instagram to be the most important social network
  • There are 8 million registered businesses using Instagram business profiles
  • In March 2017, over 120 million Instagrammers visited a website, got directions, called, emailed, or direct messaged to learn about a business based on an Instagram ad


  • On LinkedIn, 98% of posts with images receive more comments and posts with links have a 200% higher engagement rate
  • Over 19.7 million SlideShare presentations have been uploaded to the platform
  • 49% of college graduates use LinkedIn
  • 45% of adults making more than $75,000 per year are on LinkedIn
  • There are two new LinkedIn members per second
  • 3 million users share content weekly


  • Over 400 million snaps are shared on Snapchat per day, and almost 9,000 photos are shared every second
  • As of February, 2017, Snapchat has 161 million daily active users
  • On a daily basis, users spent 25 – 30 minutes on the app
  • Roughly 70% of Snapchat users are female